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Book Your Session!

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Let's make it happen!

Welcome to Koh Phangan! The Disneyland of shamanism and spirituality.


Here you can be whomever you want and I will help you in this process starting with ideas, photoshoot locations, styles, and accessories!


You can see different session styles in my photo gallery and choose one, but maybe you have your idea of the style you want to express!?



Accessories make a  huge difference in story creation... So before the session, we talk on the phone or even meet for tea to discuss the style, location, and accessories.



After the session, you will get 50 -70 fully edited photos prepared for web and print. RAW files are not available. 

The pro camera lens can be more detailed than the human eye so retouching is important. Don't worry if you have some extra kg, pimple, or something you are not ready to fully accept yet...I will make your final photo look stunning!

I have great experience in photo editing so they look natural and beautiful.


A few sidenotes: 

  • The approximate time of the session is 2h 

  • The session includes dressing up and changing location if necessary.

  • Maximum locations and themes during one session are 2!

  • In exchange for my work, I take 6000 THB (it's approx. 165 EUR) right after the session.

  • Post-processing time when you get ready photos is 2-3 weeks.

  • PRODUCT PHOTO  is charged for each photo (please contact me if you want more information). 


Here are some very bright examples of editing myself:

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